Article on Clinical Oral Investigations

Performed the quantitative analysis along with my supervisor Dr. Ioannis Michalopoulos. I would like to thank all the collaborators and especially Dr. Marios Agelopoulos for entrusting us with this section of the article. Glad to have been part of this collaboration!

Kalogirou, E.M., Thermos, G., Zogopoulos, V., Foutadakis, S., Michalopoulos, I., Agelopoulos, M. and Tosios, I.K. (2021). The immunohistochemical profile of basal cell nevus syndrome-associated and sporadic odontogenic keratocysts: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Clin Oral Invest, doi:10.1007/s00784-021-03877-w.

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